Monday, January 29, 2007

I'm completely pissed and breaking into tears at odd moments...I just found out that Aradia Women's Health Center is closing. This clinic has done an incredible job for many years supporting women's reproductive rights and providing services like contraception and abortions to all womne, regardless of their ability to pay. The loss of their services will have a huge impact on women's right to choose in Seattle, and it makes me sick to my stomach.

What country do we live in again? I keep forgetting, especially since 2000...


At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I linked to their URL, and it sounds like a really stronng, well-established, positive institution is being forced to close when it should really be getting help to stay open. 34 years of health activism for women, for any underserved group should not be forced out of business - it's a non-profit for crying out loud. This country's priorities are so f****d up, when health becomes an increasingly for-profit enterprise that enriches the middlemen/third party ins. companies. No amount of positive spin on Aradia's closing can change the fact that 1000's of women are going to lose out on important, quality care. I hear you, MC. You do rock for caring and participating in making it a great place, even if it is closing.


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