Sunday, March 25, 2007

I did it! I'm Washington State Ms. Leather 2007, and I've got insider info that said that I scored incredibly high with the judges. It's such an honor...the last few days have been a whirlwind. I'll write more when I've got some time!

EDIT: Still don't have much time, but wanted to share a pic of the fabulous Stormy Leather dress I got to wear for SEAF...thanks to Malixe for his fab pic taking, as always!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Miss Candy, Washington Sate Ms. Leather 2007? I certainly hope to be...I'll be competing this Saturday at The Cuff. I'm very excited about this opportunity...I'd love to get a little more overlap going between the kinky and the leather communities, as well as the queer and straight - I've always been one to enthusiastically straddle those fences. Come on out if you're in Seattle...most of my friends will be at Kinkfest in Portland this weekend, so my cheering section might be small. If you've ever wanted to see me kickbox, now's your chance (but I won't say more)!

My video is almost ready...the editing is coming along really well, and is being finalized now (thanks, Red!). I hope to have it up and running on my site within a couple weeks!

I attended SEAF this year in a fabulous Stormy Leather corset dress a client bought me for my soon as I see a pic somewhere, I'll repost it here. It was a good show this year, although I personally thought that the one two years ago was better. But I was there with friends, on my partner's arm, and everything looks pretty fabulous from there.

Friday, March 02, 2007

I finally shot my first video today! I'm very excited...even the footage on the tiny screen was pretty hot. Thanks to my friends at Two Big Meanies, Red and Russell, who did the video portion, and to P, who was my victim. As soon as it's edited, I'll post it on my site. Woo-hoo!

And I'm zonked. TGIF!